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5 Tips for Creators to Make Instagram Reels Stand Out


Despite hot competition from the likes of up-and-coming platforms such as TikTok, Instagram remains a firm favourite for many influencers. This is for several reasons ranging from new and exciting platform features to the huge numbers of daily active users Instagram sees every day.

Instagram Reels is a relatively new feature that helps creators engage with their audience on a new level. In this article, we will explore 5 top tips for how creators can get more from their Reels by making them stand out from the crowd.

What Are Instagram Reels?

Instagram Reels was launched in August 2020 in direct response to the growing popularity of the short video platform TikTok. Instagram defines Reels as:

“Reels are short, entertaining videos on Instagram, where you can express your creativity and bring your brand to life.”

Originally only allowing videos of 15-seconds long, this has now been increased several times and now stands at 90-seconds in total.

How Can Creators Make Their Instagram Reels Stand Out?

Reels are a great way to engage your audience. However, with countless Reels being uploaded by creators every day, it can be tricky to get yours noticed. In this section, we will walk you through 5 of the top ways to make your Instagram Reels stand out.

#1 Be Original

Browse through Reels and you will find several common content themes. Typically these can be described as ‘trends’ where creators make similar or identical videos based on the same concept such as a specific dance.

Although this is all part of the fun of Reels, it can make it hard for you to differentiate your content from others.

So, it is important to always try and be original. Even when you are following trends, you can find ways to put a new spin on them or make them your own. When a user finds original content on your feed they are more likely to follow you so they can be the first to see new and exciting videos.

#2 Include Closed Captions

At your desk in the office. In bed whilst your partner sleeps. On the train or bus.

There are a huge number of scenarios where listening to Instagram Reels with the sound blaring may be considered inappropriate. This is why a considerable percentage of Reels are watched with the sounds off.

Of course, this is an issue for creators if their content includes crucial information being communicated via speech - as the message can be lost altogether. This is where closed captions come in.

Luckily, Instagram can automatically create closed captions for you. Once you have created a Reel, just add the captions sticker to your video. This means that however, your audience watches your video they will get the full picture.

TIP: Watch your video with the captions before you post it, as they are not always accurate and can sometimes make potentially embarrassing mistakes.

#3 Add it to Your Story

Reaching more people with your Reels will increase the chances of people engaging with them. So, it can be a smart move to add your Reels to your story in order to boost your reach.

You can also create intrigue by covering part of your story with a sticker or GIF. This approach will encourage people to click through in order to get the full picture.

#4 Be Human

With brands and creators investing a substantial media budget into Instagram content, it can be easy to lose sight of the ‘social’ aspect of the social media platform. When you talk to your audience in Reels as humans you make it easier for them to relate to your content.

This means that you don’t necessarily need to pour hours into creating highly polished videos. Sometimes, just speaking truthfully to the camera is the best way to capture people's attention and engage them.

#5 Include Hashtags

Like most other content on Instagram, you can add hashtags to your Reels to make it easy for those who may be interested to find you.

However, overloading with hashtags could potentially lead to your content being penalised and can also come across as ‘spammy’. Instead, take time to carefully select 3-5 relevant hashtags to include in your Reels caption.

Instagram Reels: Summary

It is clear that Reels offers content creators a great opportunity to engage with their audience. However, there is hot competition for the attention of that audience. So, by following the advice we have outlined in this article you will increase your chances of success by helping your content stand out from the crowd.

What are you waiting for? Why not make a new Reel following our advice right now?

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